Monday 20 February 2017

What Is DNA Activation? "DNA Activation Explained"


The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man, as well as accelerates our psychic senses. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth’s collective consciousness.

Have you ever imagined yourself experiencing higher states of consciousness? Imagine constantly receiving guidance and knowledge from your Higher Self to rise above daily mental and emotional dramas. Plus activating your intuition to know exactly what your life’s purpose is. Imagine enjoying excellent health and experiencing a life full of vitality and energy. The truth is you already have all these abilities within you, they are just in a dormant state. DNA Activation is the process that allows you to activate these abilities and many more.


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The key to humanity’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our DNA. The potential encoded into our DNA Template is that of the 12 strand DNA Template, which allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. In addition to our 2 double helix DNA strands we have 10 additional DNA strands that belong to the multidimensional subtle energy spectrum. These additional 10 strands presently lie dormant within the 2 chemical strands in most of Earth’s people. Humanity’s evolutionary goal on Earth was to assemble and activate this 12 strand DNA Template for progressive transmutation ascension. Transmutational progression means going from a dense state of matter into a lighter state of matter. As you would evolve up to higher dimensions your body would transform from a carbon based matter, to a silica-based matter and eventually into crystalline liquid-light pre-matter. Your body would literally turn into golden light and you could once again consciously reach the state of At-ONE-ment with Source. This has always been and continues to be the true evolutionary path of human consciousness.

Your DNA is the blueprint of life and its inside all the cells that make up your body. Each DNA strand corresponds to a dimensional frequency band of consciousness. In pre-ancient history the process of cellular transmutation took place in one lifetime, over a period of about 44 years. The whole idea of evolution is to progressively activate your DNA so you can bring in and embody 12 dimensional levels of consciousness and merge with the ONE Source consciousness once again. This means activating our complete 12 strand DNA blueprint and thus being able to change the angular rotation of particle spin within every particle and sub-atomic particle that makes up our bodies to be able to ascend to another dimension. Yet right now most of humanity has only 2 to 6 of their DNA strands activated allowing a maximum of 6th dimensions of consciousness. (Illuminati / Top Level Free Masons and A few Secret mystery Schools). 

This is only the beginning 3,6,12,22,24,36 and 48 strand activations are the different stepping stones. All The way up to 24 can happen spontaneously but 36 and 48 Strands must be done buy a Master. The regulation of light that floods your DNA must be monitored or a burn out might take place (Your nervous system needs to regulate).  

There are 12 Avatars on the planet at the moment known collectively as 

"GARAMA" who are qualified to activate all 48 

DNA Strands. This is known as Holy Grail Indigo Line 8.

A lot of New Age Movements claim incorrectly that you have to be born with the Christ DNA to achieve this, but this is not true ... above a 24 Strand activation We are very much a part of a singularity Light based organism.

Sananda (Jesus) was the first to do this. Many Masters before him also did this but in truth, He created a zero point vibration which rippled threw all directions of time
and in all 43 prime Universes.  


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