Thursday 23 February 2017

48 DNA Strand Master Bolg : The Galactic Immortal

Your universe is 17 billion years old. It spent 4.3 billion years in a sub atomic zero point energetic state contemplating its God nature before going into galactic replication. A universe that existed before this one had become 100% God Realized.

This happens when every practical in a Universe knows itself to be all and knows all. So from the beginning of this universes' creation ( the big bang), it has had one aim. To create a being who would hold and reflect all that had been in the previous universe and the one before and the one before. This is only the forth such universe.

Earth was chosen to be the play ground and birth place for this being. Chosen by the innate God vibration in every atom. The vibrational recored of all that came before had been stored in the higher dimensions.

We have till this point been in a cosmic sleep. There have been a few very old souls who have woken up on this journey, they have both educated and entertained us. These beings we have called "The Ascended Masters" or  "Avatars" or "Prophet's". They all activated a feature of the "Cosmic Immortal".

We all have it in us not just to heal our own body's with our minds. We also have the ability to stop the aging process or even reverse it. How to do this is not for this channel to divulge. He has retrieved this information from his Genetic records as must you if you dem yourself worthy and have the desire. 

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Remember everything you do and believe you do so because its what everyone  you know believes and does. For you to transcend the collective mind you must go inwards and find your "Hall of Records". As of the 1st of February 2015 it is available to every one on earth. When you find the "Hall of Recoreds" it will be your free will to teach what you have learned. IMMORTALITY had been achieved by a small group of humans on earth. 

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You call them The illuminati. Counter to dramatic popular belief they are very Good. They are just the gate keepers to the 5th Dimension.When you are pure of heart there all seeing presence will not make you scared of your "own multidimensional shadow" .

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