Thursday 23 February 2017

48 Strand DNA Master Blog : How To Activate 100% Of Your Brain (Four Digit IQ)

Many of have heard you only use a small percent of your brains, 9-12% depending on who you ask and what you read. IQ is our why of determining how intellectual a person is. In more resent years people have put a focus also on EQ or emotional intelligence. What is not mainstream information is that there are Three other forms of IQ that exist. Namely Logical Intelligence Quota, Creative Intelligence Quota and Spatial Intelligence Quota. All three are special in that they use both the right brain and the left brain in different proportions.

The porpoise of any master is to balance his or her brain activity. A person who uses both sides equally will activate the pituitary gland a little at a time. It is the part of your brain that will grant you SUPER POWERS, it controls time, space and all matter. (All Three are The Same Thing)

The first one we will discuss will be logical IQ it is you ability to add numbers play strategy games like chess. Sudoku is also a very good game for sharpening you logical IQ. Chess especially has an underlying sacred geometry woven into it. If you down load a chess app and play for just 15 min a day, you will notice a quick development of your Logical IQ. It uses the left brain mostly, but creative strategy  will make you a good player.

The second one is Creative IQ. This is your ability to make opposites or random things reconcile. It is the ability to see the parallels in all things. This will lead to you being a better artists. This uses the right brain mostly but the left brain plays its part because you will need all your knowledge to remember random facts to see that different things are not different. They might have a comin use or be used in the same places, they might be from the same country or both have the same eating pattern...etc etc. The more you do this the better you will get.

Last is spacial IQ. It is your

mind body connection. If you where good at a sport or did dancing or martial arts you are already at an advantage. A very quick way to get good at this is to throw a ball against a wall with your right hand and catch it with you left. Then throw it with your left and catch with your right. Then repeat for 15 min a day. This uses your right and left brain equally.

Now listen up this is where it gets good. Everything is holographic!! Everytime you do an exercise to enhance one of the three IQ s , it enhances the other two!! More so the more your mind is in balance.
A three point increase in one IQ ( which is what 15 min a day will do ) will be a 9 point increase in over all IQ. Strap in for the next part. Once you achieve balance and you will know when that happens what you do today will have a compound effect on tomorrows increase. A four digit IQ will be easy in Three months. Now remember the thought of a four digit IQ to the average person...sounds like crazy talk. They have no real way of comprehending your intelligence, and buy the time you get there you will see there is no them ... just a infinite sea of possibility's.

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If you wanna know more make contact with me 

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