Saturday 25 February 2017

How Smiles and Laughter Positively Affect Your Health and Happiness

—In times of increased everyday stress and anxiety due to work pressure, relationships, and fast-paced lifestyles, we push aside the personal time that is necessary for our minds and bodies to recharge. In turn, we become even more stressed, tired, and unhappy – and this cycle continues week to week. The good news is that there are two really simple ways to overcome the stressors of everyday life: smiling and laughing. Smiling and laughing are powerful yet simple ways to remain balanced day to day. These two actions can relieve stress, fear, pain, and conflict. When we smile and laugh, we support our physical, mental, and social health.
How Laughter and Smiling Affects Your Physical Health
They Release Chemicals. When we smile, the movements of our muscles send signals to our brains. These signals release serotonin and endorphins, which are known as the “feel-good” chemicals of the brain. These chemicals make us happy when they are released, and they can reduce perceptions of pain.
They Relax the Body. Laughter, particularly a good hard belly laugh, can relieve built-up body tension and stress. When we laugh, the muscles we use to do so will relax, and they can stay relaxed for 30–45 minutes after that.
They Reduce Stress. When endorphins are released in the brain, stress hormones, such as cortisol, are reduced. When we feel stressed, anxious, or fearful, our bodies release more cortisol. This cortisol release creates negative, unpleasant, stressful feelings. We can lower our cortisol levels by laughing and relaxing.
They Support Lung Health. When we laugh, our lungs expand and become replenished with oxygen. We let a lot of air out and a lot of air in. This process is similar to deep breathing techniques used to relieve stress. Deep laughter sends more oxygen-rich nutrients and blood throughout the body.
They Support Heart Health. Laughing on a regular basis lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow, and improves the function of blood vessels, which can all decrease your risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
They Promote a Healthy Immune System. Laughter is a great way to reduce stress hormones and increase “feel-good” hormones. Due to these processes and changes in chemicals, our immune systems increase the numbers of white blood cells and other infection-fighting antibodies. This improves our everyday health and protects us from viruses.

They Serve as Exercise. A good laugh is also good exercise. It burns calories, provides our body with movement, increases conditioning and toning, and keeps our cardio systems working.
How Laughter and Smiling Affect Your Mental Health
Smiling and laughter not only support our physical health but also have similar effects on our mental health. They are powerful tools for releasing difficult emotions and making us feel good. When strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear are present, laughing can alleviate some of that emotional distress.
Smiling and laughter are great ways to reduce stress, and laughing during stressful times helps us stay focused on tasks, accomplish more in a day, and be proud of what we have done. When we remain attentive during our busy work or home lives, we can get more done and have the freedom to engage in fun activities.
The ability to smile and laugh during times of stress lets us shift our perspective to something more positive. This means you can see tough or challenging situations in a new light that is less restricting and threatening. By using smiling and laughter as a strategy during tough times, you can begin to feel less overwhelmed and therefore happier.
When we smile, it influences not only ourselves but also those around us. Have you ever seen someone smile and smiled too? Have you seen a child laughing and started to laugh with them? This is because laughter is mediated by social interaction and contexts. Smiles and laughter are contagious because when we see someone else happy, we become happy too. The happiness we feel when we laugh or smile extends to others and helps strengthen relationships. When we are happy and playful with others, it supports emotional connections with people who are close to us. Positive relationships involve humor, play, and happiness.
In team settings, humor and laughing can enhance how successful a group is. Laughter can promote group bonding and help navigate through disagreements, resentments, and conflict. When we can exhibit humor and laughter in a negative situation, it becomes light-hearted. In stressful group meetings or situations, humor is a powerful tool to encourage a strong, happy group.
Sometimes, busy days do not have room for much else. We tend to push aside fun or personal activities because we have deadlines to meet, children to drive to extracurricular activities or worries about tomorrow’s work. Here are some simple, fun ways to keep smiles and laughter a part of your everyday routine:
Laughter Yoga and Exercise
Laughter yoga, a technique to promote laughter and exercise, is becoming more popular across the globe. This technique focuses on the concept that there is a link between the body and the brain and that laughter can enhance that link. Its main idea is that your body knows how to laugh even if your mind is not happy or in the mood to laugh. Therefore, you do not need to have a sense of humor or even be happy during these exercises.
During these exercises, the group takes a series of breaths between laughs and facial poses that promote relaxation in the body and mind. Often, when people begin to engage in different kinds of laughter, the laughter becomes real because having many people laugh together in a group setting multiplies each laugh. Each person’s laugh promotes laughter in another, and so on. Therefore, contagious laughing occurs.

The simplest way to have a happier, healthier life is to laugh and smile more. By creating more opportunities for laughter and smiling in your life, you will begin to flourish as a person, a friend, and a professional. Your day-to-day life will become more relaxed, positive, balanced, and creative. Laughter and smiling provide our bodies and minds with the necessary recharges we require in our busy lives.

Thursday 23 February 2017

48 DNA Strand Master Bolg : The Galactic Immortal

Your universe is 17 billion years old. It spent 4.3 billion years in a sub atomic zero point energetic state contemplating its God nature before going into galactic replication. A universe that existed before this one had become 100% God Realized.

This happens when every practical in a Universe knows itself to be all and knows all. So from the beginning of this universes' creation ( the big bang), it has had one aim. To create a being who would hold and reflect all that had been in the previous universe and the one before and the one before. This is only the forth such universe.

Earth was chosen to be the play ground and birth place for this being. Chosen by the innate God vibration in every atom. The vibrational recored of all that came before had been stored in the higher dimensions.

We have till this point been in a cosmic sleep. There have been a few very old souls who have woken up on this journey, they have both educated and entertained us. These beings we have called "The Ascended Masters" or  "Avatars" or "Prophet's". They all activated a feature of the "Cosmic Immortal".

We all have it in us not just to heal our own body's with our minds. We also have the ability to stop the aging process or even reverse it. How to do this is not for this channel to divulge. He has retrieved this information from his Genetic records as must you if you dem yourself worthy and have the desire. 

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Remember everything you do and believe you do so because its what everyone  you know believes and does. For you to transcend the collective mind you must go inwards and find your "Hall of Records". As of the 1st of February 2015 it is available to every one on earth. When you find the "Hall of Recoreds" it will be your free will to teach what you have learned. IMMORTALITY had been achieved by a small group of humans on earth. 

Contact Me For A DNA Activation

You call them The illuminati. Counter to dramatic popular belief they are very Good. They are just the gate keepers to the 5th Dimension.When you are pure of heart there all seeing presence will not make you scared of your "own multidimensional shadow" .

48 Strand DNA Master Blog : How To Activate 100% Of Your Brain (Four Digit IQ)

Many of have heard you only use a small percent of your brains, 9-12% depending on who you ask and what you read. IQ is our why of determining how intellectual a person is. In more resent years people have put a focus also on EQ or emotional intelligence. What is not mainstream information is that there are Three other forms of IQ that exist. Namely Logical Intelligence Quota, Creative Intelligence Quota and Spatial Intelligence Quota. All three are special in that they use both the right brain and the left brain in different proportions.

The porpoise of any master is to balance his or her brain activity. A person who uses both sides equally will activate the pituitary gland a little at a time. It is the part of your brain that will grant you SUPER POWERS, it controls time, space and all matter. (All Three are The Same Thing)

The first one we will discuss will be logical IQ it is you ability to add numbers play strategy games like chess. Sudoku is also a very good game for sharpening you logical IQ. Chess especially has an underlying sacred geometry woven into it. If you down load a chess app and play for just 15 min a day, you will notice a quick development of your Logical IQ. It uses the left brain mostly, but creative strategy  will make you a good player.

The second one is Creative IQ. This is your ability to make opposites or random things reconcile. It is the ability to see the parallels in all things. This will lead to you being a better artists. This uses the right brain mostly but the left brain plays its part because you will need all your knowledge to remember random facts to see that different things are not different. They might have a comin use or be used in the same places, they might be from the same country or both have the same eating pattern...etc etc. The more you do this the better you will get.

Last is spacial IQ. It is your

mind body connection. If you where good at a sport or did dancing or martial arts you are already at an advantage. A very quick way to get good at this is to throw a ball against a wall with your right hand and catch it with you left. Then throw it with your left and catch with your right. Then repeat for 15 min a day. This uses your right and left brain equally.

Now listen up this is where it gets good. Everything is holographic!! Everytime you do an exercise to enhance one of the three IQ s , it enhances the other two!! More so the more your mind is in balance.
A three point increase in one IQ ( which is what 15 min a day will do ) will be a 9 point increase in over all IQ. Strap in for the next part. Once you achieve balance and you will know when that happens what you do today will have a compound effect on tomorrows increase. A four digit IQ will be easy in Three months. Now remember the thought of a four digit IQ to the average person...sounds like crazy talk. They have no real way of comprehending your intelligence, and buy the time you get there you will see there is no them ... just a infinite sea of possibility's.

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If you wanna know more make contact with me 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

48 DNA Strand Master Blog : The Mirror Eternal (GARAMA CHANNEL)

Every belief you have ever had or will have is a lie. All beliefs are built on other beliefs. There is a law in creation which states " the opposite of every truth is also true ". This is because everything is not as it seems. There are no opposites!! Everything is on a spectrum. Light and dark are relative to one another they are one. Did you know that the colour black is not void of light . It is so much light that it can not escape itself. Now listen up ... You can use the law of polarity to transmute any belief into any other belief buy just having a look at you belief from the opposite side. Everything you experience is a polarized picture of you previous perception.

Through this understanding you will see that it is very important to keep you beliefs lucid...the reason our DNA downgraded in the first place was we started deriving our truth from the out side in, not the other way around.

Monday 20 February 2017

Get Your Full 48 Strand DNA Activation Today

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What are the benefits of a 48 Strand DNA activation

These abilities include but are not limited to:
  • Living more comfortably in the ‘now’. This means having the possibility of living 10 lifetimes in one!(in truth its more like 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 life times). past 36 Strand
  • the concept of similtanous life times will be second hat. You will imbody your full Akashic Records.

  • Having increased consciousness awareness. This results in having much more of your brain power engaged and living in a true reality.

  • Experiencing a great increase in your telepathic abilities so that you have total global contact with all humans and control of the collective consciousness.

  • Embracing the Adamic Seed, fulfilling the prophecies and becoming a Galactic Human.

  • Having the Gates of Heaven always open. This brings you into full contact with God and the Beings of Light. Through these connections, you are able to clearly receive the guidance, support, assistance and directives for your work to be done each day.

  • Having the Full DNA Activation. This is the completion of your full Light Body Activation with all 48 parts of your DNA Tree fired up!

  • Having full control of the Four Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. This results in the ability to manifest everything you want to bring into existence in this physical life! 

  • Having spiritual and physical abundance. 
  • Experiencing a greater flow and harmony with the forces of the Universe as your life manifests more easily.

  • Having a deeper knowledge of one’s purpose here on Earth!

What Is DNA Activation? "DNA Activation Explained"


The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man, as well as accelerates our psychic senses. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth’s collective consciousness.

Have you ever imagined yourself experiencing higher states of consciousness? Imagine constantly receiving guidance and knowledge from your Higher Self to rise above daily mental and emotional dramas. Plus activating your intuition to know exactly what your life’s purpose is. Imagine enjoying excellent health and experiencing a life full of vitality and energy. The truth is you already have all these abilities within you, they are just in a dormant state. DNA Activation is the process that allows you to activate these abilities and many more.


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The key to humanity’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our DNA. The potential encoded into our DNA Template is that of the 12 strand DNA Template, which allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. In addition to our 2 double helix DNA strands we have 10 additional DNA strands that belong to the multidimensional subtle energy spectrum. These additional 10 strands presently lie dormant within the 2 chemical strands in most of Earth’s people. Humanity’s evolutionary goal on Earth was to assemble and activate this 12 strand DNA Template for progressive transmutation ascension. Transmutational progression means going from a dense state of matter into a lighter state of matter. As you would evolve up to higher dimensions your body would transform from a carbon based matter, to a silica-based matter and eventually into crystalline liquid-light pre-matter. Your body would literally turn into golden light and you could once again consciously reach the state of At-ONE-ment with Source. This has always been and continues to be the true evolutionary path of human consciousness.

Your DNA is the blueprint of life and its inside all the cells that make up your body. Each DNA strand corresponds to a dimensional frequency band of consciousness. In pre-ancient history the process of cellular transmutation took place in one lifetime, over a period of about 44 years. The whole idea of evolution is to progressively activate your DNA so you can bring in and embody 12 dimensional levels of consciousness and merge with the ONE Source consciousness once again. This means activating our complete 12 strand DNA blueprint and thus being able to change the angular rotation of particle spin within every particle and sub-atomic particle that makes up our bodies to be able to ascend to another dimension. Yet right now most of humanity has only 2 to 6 of their DNA strands activated allowing a maximum of 6th dimensions of consciousness. (Illuminati / Top Level Free Masons and A few Secret mystery Schools). 

This is only the beginning 3,6,12,22,24,36 and 48 strand activations are the different stepping stones. All The way up to 24 can happen spontaneously but 36 and 48 Strands must be done buy a Master. The regulation of light that floods your DNA must be monitored or a burn out might take place (Your nervous system needs to regulate).  

There are 12 Avatars on the planet at the moment known collectively as 

"GARAMA" who are qualified to activate all 48 

DNA Strands. This is known as Holy Grail Indigo Line 8.

A lot of New Age Movements claim incorrectly that you have to be born with the Christ DNA to achieve this, but this is not true ... above a 24 Strand activation We are very much a part of a singularity Light based organism.

Sananda (Jesus) was the first to do this. Many Masters before him also did this but in truth, He created a zero point vibration which rippled threw all directions of time
and in all 43 prime Universes.  


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