Monday 27 March 2017

Fluoridated Products: Healthy teeth or a Nazi scam?

Fluoride as a substance has been long believed to have positive effects on our teeth; it is supposedly an agent that strengthens our dental structure and prevent cavities, however, more and more research has been proving this as a myth. In fact, Fluoride does more harm to our teeth than good.

Fluoride is found in dental creams, toothpaste, mouthwash, water even. Countries like China, Europe and Japan has marked a red territory for Fluoridated substances – it is ‘almost’ a crime to supply fluoridated products in these countries.

Researchers have proved, that Fluoride is nothing but a Nazi scam. Yes, you read that right. Infamous Adolf Hitler made use of Fluoridated water in his concentration camps to slow the brain process of his captives. Fluoride in its nature is highly toxic and is known to slow the brain function and causes brain damage and Alzheimer’s.

What is shocking to know, Fluoride can be ingested by our body through direct consumption and even while taking a shower.

Whilst 50 percent of it is flushed out by our kidneys, the rest of it is stored in our bones and pineal gland – well, there’s a level of shock that I feel at this point, not really explainable in words, perhaps.
If conspiracy theorists are to be believed, some countries are actually trying to secretly stop spiritual advancement for the pineal gland which is believed to be the seat of consciousness or the third eye, gets calcified by the excessive use of Fluoride. Go figure!

Not just spiritually, but calcification of pineal gland harms the body in many other ways, too.
It triggers early puberty and mental disorders. In fact, studies have found that Fluoride hampers the IQ of a child and the continuous use can lead to brain damage and impaired vision.

It does not stop here the toxicity of Fluoridated substances are such, when it was tested on animals and men alike – there was reduced generation of sperms as it directly affects the testosterones level. It damages the male reproductive system and there is likely to be severe infertility problem.
The thyroid is also one of the glands that can be affected by Fluoride, as it can cause hypothyroidism; leading to weight gain, depression, fatigue and other lifestyle diseases.
The Fluorapatite layer on our teeth is too thin and Fluoride does little to help prevent tooth decay – according to the research Europe which uses Fluoride free water is much healthier in the dental department than the other countries, especially, the US.

Certain measures to avoid Fluoridated toxicities in human bodies are as follows:
1. Avoid Preservatives.
2. Fluoride Free Dental Creams are the Best
3. Avoid Fluoride Treatments, It Does More Harm than Good.
4. Always Filter Tap Water, if not in Europe, China or Japan.
5. Non-Stick Cookware is a Strict NO-NO!
6. Avoid Aerated Drinks

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