Monday 27 March 2017

How to Meditate & Levitate.

In yoga, it is believed that some yoga and meditation masters who have special powers known as “siddhis” are able to levitate at will.
The power of levitation in the Sanskrit language of yoga is called “dardura siddhi” which means the frog power—as some frogs are known to jump and suspend themselves in the air.
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There are many witnessed accounts and first hand stories of great yogis levitating through the use of special powers achieved through meditation and advanced yoga practices. In the books Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda and Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama, there are referenced accounts of yogis who have levitated.
So how does one learn to embrace this phenomenon and possess this power of levitation?
Is it a paranormal activity or something that defies the law of gravity and physics? Maybe it’s all of these, but it is said that when one progresses on the path of meditation, levitation comes naturally. Some of the great yoga texts proclaim that when one is proficient in the science of yoga and pranayama (expansion of energy by breath control) one can also learn to levitate.
So, to learn how to levitate one should first start with meditation to be more familiar with their subtle body and feel their prana (life force) and energy. One can start with a seated practice of mediation or a laying down practice such as yoga nidra.
Next it is important to understand the various pranas or vayus within the body. There are five main vayus and they are responsible for governing the movements and actions of both the mind and body. I believe that by knowing and controlling the vayus, one can master the art of levitating.
The five main pranas within the body are briefly described as follow:
>>> Prana Vayu which draws energy inward and is responsible for inhaling, sensory perception and swallowing.
>>> Vyana Vayu which diffuses energy away from the body and is responsible for overall movement and circulation.
>>> Samana vayu which draws energy towards the center and is responsible for digestion, metabolism and homeostasis.
>>> Apana vayu which descends energy downward and out and is responsible for elimination, reproduction and downward movement.
>>> Udana vayu which ascends energy upwards and out and is responsible for speech, exhalation, growth and upward movement.
To be able to levitate one needs to be able to focus and master the Udana Vayu—the upwards flow of life energy or prana. The Udana Vayu is primary located at the base of the throat and extends all the way to the top of the head which links together the fifth, sixth and seventh chakras. Because this energy is responsible for upward movement it is primarily the one that needs to be controlled for levitation to occur.
The secret to levitating also involves controling specific energy locks known as bandhas and, to focus with a strong will on drawing the energy upwards into the higher chakras.
The three main bandhas of yoga are:
>>> Mula bandha—the root lock which emphasizes engaging and squeezing at the perineum.
>>> Uddiyana bandha—the upward flying lock which emphasizes drawing the belly and abdominals upward and in.
>>> Jalandhara bandha—the throat lock which emphasizes bringing your chin towards your sternum.
To become a master at levitation one must consistently practice and become proficient in these ancient yoga techniques as well as meditation. In our yoga training we learn with more depth and detail how to expand our energy and move our energy in different directions through various yoga postures, pranayama (breath control) practices, visualizations and meditation.
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Fluoridated Products: Healthy teeth or a Nazi scam?

Fluoride as a substance has been long believed to have positive effects on our teeth; it is supposedly an agent that strengthens our dental structure and prevent cavities, however, more and more research has been proving this as a myth. In fact, Fluoride does more harm to our teeth than good.

Fluoride is found in dental creams, toothpaste, mouthwash, water even. Countries like China, Europe and Japan has marked a red territory for Fluoridated substances – it is ‘almost’ a crime to supply fluoridated products in these countries.

Researchers have proved, that Fluoride is nothing but a Nazi scam. Yes, you read that right. Infamous Adolf Hitler made use of Fluoridated water in his concentration camps to slow the brain process of his captives. Fluoride in its nature is highly toxic and is known to slow the brain function and causes brain damage and Alzheimer’s.

What is shocking to know, Fluoride can be ingested by our body through direct consumption and even while taking a shower.

Whilst 50 percent of it is flushed out by our kidneys, the rest of it is stored in our bones and pineal gland – well, there’s a level of shock that I feel at this point, not really explainable in words, perhaps.
If conspiracy theorists are to be believed, some countries are actually trying to secretly stop spiritual advancement for the pineal gland which is believed to be the seat of consciousness or the third eye, gets calcified by the excessive use of Fluoride. Go figure!

Not just spiritually, but calcification of pineal gland harms the body in many other ways, too.
It triggers early puberty and mental disorders. In fact, studies have found that Fluoride hampers the IQ of a child and the continuous use can lead to brain damage and impaired vision.

It does not stop here the toxicity of Fluoridated substances are such, when it was tested on animals and men alike – there was reduced generation of sperms as it directly affects the testosterones level. It damages the male reproductive system and there is likely to be severe infertility problem.
The thyroid is also one of the glands that can be affected by Fluoride, as it can cause hypothyroidism; leading to weight gain, depression, fatigue and other lifestyle diseases.
The Fluorapatite layer on our teeth is too thin and Fluoride does little to help prevent tooth decay – according to the research Europe which uses Fluoride free water is much healthier in the dental department than the other countries, especially, the US.

Certain measures to avoid Fluoridated toxicities in human bodies are as follows:
1. Avoid Preservatives.
2. Fluoride Free Dental Creams are the Best
3. Avoid Fluoride Treatments, It Does More Harm than Good.
4. Always Filter Tap Water, if not in Europe, China or Japan.
5. Non-Stick Cookware is a Strict NO-NO!
6. Avoid Aerated Drinks

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